2015 - 2016  Fee SCHEDULE.

Please make all checks payable to Creative Arts

# of Hours of instruction per week Price per month
45 Min - 1 Hour             $50
1 1/2 Hour             $60
2 Hours             $70
2 1/2 Hours             $80
3 Hours             $90
3 1/2 Hours             $100
4 Hours             $110
4 1/2 Hours             $120
5 Hours             $125
5 1/2 Hours             $130
6 Hours             $135
6 1/2 Hours             $140
7 Hours             $145
7 1/2 Hours             $150
8 Hours             $155
8 1/2 Hours             $160
9 Hours             $165
Unlimited             $170
Drop in rate is $10 per class -  
Late Fees of $15 will be charged for all payments received after the 10th.

Please make all checks payable to Creative Arts

Hula classes and Zumba Dance classes are also available at an additional cost. Please call for more information.

Classes start on Sept. 8th. Class minimum is 5 students. Class Maximum is 15 Students.

Please check with the studio before your first class to make sure it is still on the schedule.


REBECCA KOSINSKI - (916) 719-5146


PAULINE VON THADEN - (916) 652-0830

Printable Registration





On-Line Registration Form